Read ebook 31 Day Spiritual Mindset Makeover : A Journey Through the Book of Proverbs by Carlene B. Charlemagne in MOBI, DJV, DOC


Attain a Spiritual Mindset in 31 Days of Wisdom...In the modern world, with its demands and distractions, it is easy to lose focus on spiritual development. This journal is designed to put you on the path to spiritual transformation through daily wisdom acquired by utilizing the 31 chapters in the Book of Proverbs, which has more than 900 inspired precepts that provide godly counsel for every human experience. The Book of Proverbs addresses love and lust, friends and enemies, justice and vengeance, life and death, wisdom and folly, initiative and laziness, prosperity and poverty, humility and pride, masters and servants, anger and anxiety, and much more. Your way of thinking has created your past and present, and it will create your future. Your thoughts have the power to release Gods ability into your life, and this journal will challenge and guide you daily through the process of attaining a Spiritual Mindset Makeover. As you look back on your daily journaling, you will be able to see a self-evident change for the better, and you will be propelled into a life of Spiritual Boldness as you apply Heavenly Wisdom to your earthly walk., In the modern world, with its demands and distractions, it is easy to lose focus on spiritual development. This journal is designed to put you on the path to spiritual transformation through daily wisdom acquired by utilizing the 31 chapters in the Book of Proverbs, which has more than 900 inspired precepts that provide godly counsel for every human experience. The Book of Proverbs addresses love and lust, friends and enemies, justice and vengeance, life and death, wisdom and folly, initiative and laziness, prosperity and poverty, humility and pride, masters and servants, anger and anxiety, and much more. Your way of thinking has created your past and present, and it will create your future. Your thoughts have the power to release Gods ability into your life, and this journal will challenge and guide you daily through the process of attaining a Spiritual Mindset Makeover. As you look back on your daily journaling, you will be able to see a self-evident change for the better, and you will be propelled into a life of Spiritual Boldness as you apply Heavenly Wisdom to your earthly walk.

Ebook 31 Day Spiritual Mindset Makeover : A Journey Through the Book of Proverbs by Carlene B. Charlemagne in MOBI, DOC, PDF

Each chapter includes activities that assist with implementation, moving beyond the theoretical framework commonly taught in business school to provide a more practical approach to personal development.It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time.And you will begin to integrate the various parts of yourself-mind, body, and spirit-to become, once again, and in all ways, the beautiful and peaceful person you were created to be.As Williamson writes: "When it comes to your enjoyment of eating, your best days are not behind you but ahead of you!" So get ready to begin a new relationship with food .