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Read online Behind the Counselor's Door : Teenagers' True Confessions, Trials, and Triumphs TXT, PDF


Enter the office of Kevin Kuczynski, licensed high school counselor... A lot of things go on behind Mr. Kuczynski's closed doors shouting, crying, talking, finger-pointing, and yes, the slamming of doors. Students, families, teachers, friends, enemies they all contribute to the often complicated and heart-wrenching drama that plays out in hearts and minds behind those closed doors. Sometimes the stories turn out poorly, but sometimes they end in unimaginable joy. Kuczynski's goal in writing this book is not to create a 'reality show in a book, ' but to use the stories of turmoil and struggle that have unfolded before him as a teaching opportunity. It is to engage teenagers mentally and emotionally so that they develop better choice-making skills and cultivate their ability to succeed despite seemingly unsurmountable obstacles and challenges. In Behind the Counselor's Door, counselor Kuczynski opens the doors to his office just enough for us to peer into the cauldron of emotional turmoil within and experience some of the emotional events of his many years of high school counseling: home and family chaos, the regret of a one-night-stand, the mind-erasing effects of partying too hard, an unexpected pregnancy prior to graduation, and the crushing impact of drugs and alcohol. And, of course, there are still the suicides, the abuses, peer pressure and more to confront. Yet, this is not a book about just the dark side of life and it's not about making lemonade out of lemons, either. It's about finding the seeds, planting a tree and making lemonade for the rest of life. Teenagers will empathize with the trials and tribulations in the students' stories, but behind those closed doors are also ingredients for making life a success: perseverance, achievement, inspiration, accomplishment, affirmation, self-confidence, and so much more. When teenagers take the journey with Mr. Kuczynski, don't be surprised when they come back people of character and conviction, ready to climb mountains and achieve greatness. ", Enter the office of Kevin Kuczynski, psychologist and licensed high school counselor... A lot of things go on behind Mr. Kuczynski's closed doors ... shouting, crying, talking, finger-pointing, and yes, the slamming of doors. Students, families, teachers, friends, enemies--they all contribute to the often complicated and heart-wrenching drama that plays out in hearts and minds behind those closed doors. Sometimes the stories turn out poorly, but sometimes they end in unimaginable joy. Kuczynski's goal in writing this book is not to create a 'reality show in a book,' but to use the stories of turmoil and struggle that have unfolded before him as a teaching opportunity. It is to engage teenagers mentally and emotionally so that they develop better choice-making skills and cultivate their ability to succeed despite seemingly unsurmountable obstacles and challenges. In Behind the Counselor's Door, counselor Kuczynski opens the doors to his office just enough for us to peer into the cauldron of emotional turmoil within and experience some of the emotional events of his many years of high school counseling: home and family chaos, the regret of a one-night-stand, the mind-erasing effects of partying too hard, an unexpected pregnancy prior to graduation, and the crushing impact of drugs and alcohol. And, of course, there are still the suicides, the abuses, peer pressure and more to confront. Yet, this is not a book about just the dark side of life and it's not about making lemonade out of lemons, either. It's about finding the seeds, planting a tree and making lemonade for the rest of life. Teenagers will empathize with the trials and tribulations in the students' stories, but behind those closed doors are also ingredients for making life a success: perseverance, achievement, inspiration, accomplishment, affirmation, self-confidence, and so much more. When teenagers take the journey with Mr. Kuczynski, don't be surprised when they come back people of character and conviction, ready to climb mountains and achieve greatness., High School Counselor Kevin Kuczynski, "Mr. K." has helped students deal with all kinds of issues behind the closed doors of his office. From hardships at home, to struggles with schoolwork; from the consequences of having sex, to the dangers of drug and alcohol use; from the joy of college and career planning, to the anguish of suicide and violence, he's encountered students from all walks of life in any number of situations. The stories of his students are universal; while the details may be different, the issues they face happen across the country, every day, to teens like you. They find themselves at a crossroads, with childhood fading away and adulthood looming before them. The path is often riddled with detours and pitfalls, but they discover that you can overcome them and achieve greatness no matter what your circumstances. You either make choices that lead you down a path of disapoointment and setback, or one toward excellence and prominence. In Behind the Counselor's Door, Mr. K will offer you the same insight, direction, and purpose he's shared with countless students. So come in, have a seat, and open the door to your future. Book jacket., Kuczynski's goal in writing this book is not to create a 'reality show in a book,' but to use the stories of turmoil and struggle that have unfolded before him as a teaching opportunity. It is to engage teenagers mentally and emotionally so that they develop better choice-making skills and cultivate their ability to succeed despite seemingly unsurmountable obstacles and challenges. In Behind the Counselor's Door, counselor Kuczynski opens the doors to his office just enough for us to peer into the cauldron of emotional turmoil within and experience some of the emotional events of his many years of high school counseling: home and family chaos, the regret of a one-night-stand, the mind-erasing effects of partying too hard, an unexpected pregnancy prior to graduation, and the crushing impact of drugs and alcohol. And, of course, there are still the suicides, the abuses, peer pressure and more to confront. Yet, this is not a book about just the dark side of life and it's not about making lemonade out of lemons, either. It's about finding the seeds, planting a tree and making lemonade for the rest of life.

Book Behind the Counselor's Door : Teenagers' True Confessions, Trials, and Triumphs by Kevin Kuzcynski in DOC, TXT, FB2